life is fun

Connecting SVM and Boosting : Margin concept

Today I happened to read about SVM and Boosting at the same time for a project.

Some interesting thoughts by Dr. Victor Fang.

SVM tries to identify a set of “support vectors”, which are actually a set of data point lying on the decision boundary, which will contribute “MORE” than those that are far away (trivial samples). How? By solving the QP problem for the “alpha”‘s eventually leads to “alpha==0” points that are trivial, and “alpha<>0” points that are important for building the classifier. “Alpha<>0” meaning “large margins”, in this case those points are close to the decision boundary.

Boosting achieves the same goal by a different approach, and more straightforward. The weight of each sample associates with the error rate of that sample. The higher the error rate, the more emphasis will be focused on it at the next round of boosting iteration. Eventually, high weight samples will have more impact, which means they have “large margins”.

In comparison:

Margins in SVM:

max{ min_((x,y) in S) {  y(alpha * h(x)) / ||alpha||2} }

Margins in Boosting:

max{ min_((x,y) in S) {  y(alpha * h(x)) / ||alpha||1} }

So they are basically the same except the norm(L2 or L1) of the coefficients, which will lead to different solver. I’m wondering if Adaboost will lead to a “sparse” solution since it’s using a L1 norm??

A good reference lecture note briefly covers this:

Some direct copy-paste from wiki:

In machine learning, a margin classifer is a classifier which is able to give an associated distance from the decision boundary for each example. For instance, if a linear classifier (e.g.perceptron or linear discriminant analysis) is used, the distance (typically euclidean distance, though others may be used) of an example from the separating hyperplane is the margin of that example.

Examples of margin-based algorithms

Many classifiers can give an associated margin for each example. However, only some classifiers utilize information of the margin while learning from a data set.

Many boosting algorithms rely on the notion of a margin to give weights to examples. If a convex loss is utilized (as in AdaBoostLogitBoost, and all members of the AnyBoost family of algorithms) then an example with higher margin will receive less (or equal) weight than an example with lower margin. This leads the boosting algorithm to focus weight on low margin examples. In nonconvex algorithms (e.g. BrownBoost), the margin still dictates the weighting of an example, though the weighting is non-monotone with respect to margin. There exists boosting algorithms that provably maximize the minimum margin (e.g. see [2]).

Support vector machines provably maximize the margin of the separating hyperplane. Support vector machines that are trained using noisy data (there exists no perfect separation of the data in the given space) maximize the soft margin. More discussion of this can be found in the support vector machine article.


Sending large datasets in MPI (word count)


In our previous tutorial, Thread Communication with MPI, we covered the basics of how to send data between threads. However, in the previous tutorial, only integers were sent. However, sometimes large amounts of data need to be sent between threads.

The cost of sending data

As stated in previous tutorials, when an application is written with MPI, it is absolutely necessary to use MPI functions for communicating any sort of data between threads. The use of global variables or other techniques are not acceptable because an MPI application should be designed to work on a single computer, or across multiple computers.

That being said, there can be a substantial cost to sending data to and from threads. If two threads are running on the same computer, the communication may be fairly quick. However, it is possible that two threads which need to communicate with each other are running on two different computers across a network. Whether it is a 10Mbps, 100Mbps, 1000Mpbs, or even InfiniBand network, there is still a substantial cost to sending a large amount of data. Still, it is still preferable to send one large chunk or data across a network, rather than many small chunks of data. So one key to optimizing your program is to have as little thread communication function calls as possible. Another goal is to organize your algorithm to allow for as little thread communication as possible.

Word counting with MPI

For this tutorial, we’ll be writing an MPI application which will read a large text file, and ask the user to input a string. The program will then continue to count all the times the user input string appears in the text file. This example was chosen because it will show how to broadcast, send, and receive large amounts of data quickly. It is critical to keep in mind that, while sending large amounts of data between threads over a network can be expensive, it is nothing compared to the cost of reading from a hard drive. Therefore, one thread will read the data file, and send out relevant portions of data to each thread at a later point in the program.

After the user has input a string into thread zero, thread zero will need to broadcast this data out to all threads. When using the MPI_Bcast function, each thread needs to already know the amount of data to expect. However, we don’t know how many characters the user will input, so there is no way for the other threads to know how many characters to receive!

There are two mainstream approaches to this problem. When the user inputs data, the data goes into an array which we can presume has a limited number of characters it can store. In the case of this tutorial, that limit is 80 characters. The first approach would be to send all 80 characters, even if only the first few characters are used. Remember, thread communication across a network can be expensive!

The second approach is to use two MPI_Bcast functions to communicate the user input. The first broadcast will send the length of data that is about to be send. Then the second broadcast will be for the actual data.


MPI_Bcast(&searchWordLength, 1, MPI_INT, hasSearchWord, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// Now receive the Word. We're adding 1 to the length to allow for NULL termination.
MPI_Bcast(szSearchWord, searchWordLength+1, MPI_CHAR, hasSearchWord, MPI_COMM_WORLD);


As you can see in the above code, there are two MPI_Bcast functions that are used. The first function just sends an integer, however, the second function call sends an array of data. Please note that MPI_Bcast can be used to send very large amounts of data if necessary.

Sending large datasets with MPI_Send

Sending large datasets with MPI_Send and MPI_Recv uses exactly the same principal as the MPI_BCast code above. However, this time, another conecpt is employed. Remember that for word counting, each thread can be assigned to review only a portion of the total data. Therefore, it is critically important for thread zero, the thread which read the data file in the beginning, to only send relevant datasets to each thread.


if (rank == 0)
	totalChars = pLineStartIndex[nTotalLines];
	portion = totalChars / nTasks;
	startNum = 0;
	endNum = portion;
	totalChars = endNum - startNum;

	for (int i=1; i < nTasks; i++)
		// calculate the data for each thread.
		int curStartNum = i * portion - searchWordLength+1;
		int curEndNum = (i+1) * portion;
		if (i == nTasks-1) { curEndNum = pLineStartIndex[nTotalLines]-1;}
		if (curStartNum < 0) { curStartNum = 0; }

		// we need to send a thread the number of characters it will be receiving.
		int curLength = curEndNum - curStartNum;
		MPI_Send(&curLength, 1, MPI_INT, i, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
		MPI_Send(pszFileBuffer+curStartNum, curLength, MPI_CHAR, i, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD);


Above is some sample code which shows how thread 0 breaks up the data, and only sends the relevant pieces of data to each thread. Notice how the two MPI_Send functions are called with different tags, 1 and 2. When writing larger applications, there will probably be many MPI_Sends. Replacing the 1 with C_LENGTH_OF_DATA and 2 with C_ACTUAL_DATA, might be helpful for debugging purposes.


MPI_Status status;
MPI_Recv(&totalChars, 1, MPI_INT, 0,1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Recv(pszFileBuffer, totalChars, MPI_CHAR, 0,2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);


Above is an example of the source code used by the receiving threads. As you can see, the total number of characters is received first, followed soon after with the large amount of data. For the purposes of this tutorial, I tested my program with the bible, which is free and easy to download, yet large enough to justify parallel computation. In this case, the total number of characters can be quite large.

Wrapping up

This was a pretty simple tutorial, which showed you how to use MPI_Bcast and MPI_Recv to send large amounts of data between threads. We also covered the key concept that sending data is slow and therefor expensive. The less thread communication a program has, the faster the application will generally run. So far, we’ve covered synchronous communication only, but there are also asynchronous ways to communicate data with MPI.

Download the source code

Only small bits and pieces of the program were copied in this article. You may download the full copy of thesource code here: MPI_Tutorial_3.

programming, research resources

SVM SMO sequential minimal optimization John Platt 1998



target = desired output vector
point = training point matrix
procedure takeStep(i1,i2)
if (i1 == i2) return 0
alph1 = Lagrange multiplier for i1
y1 = target[i1]
E1 = SVM output on point[i1] – y1 (check in error cache)
s = y1*y2
Compute L, H via equations (13) and (14)
if (L == H)
return 0
k11 = kernel(point[i1],point[i1])
k12 = kernel(point[i1],point[i2])
k22 = kernel(point[i2],point[i2])
eta = k11+k22-2*k12
if (eta > 0)
a2 = alph2 + y2*(E1-E2)/eta
if (a2 < L) a2 = L
else if (a2 > H) a2 = H
Lobj = objective function at a2=L
Hobj = objective function at a2=H
if (Lobj < Hobj-eps)
a2 = L
else if (Lobj > Hobj+eps)
a2 = H
a2 = alph2
if (|a2-alph2| < eps*(a2+alph2+eps))
return 0
a1 = alph1+s*(alph2-a2)
Update threshold to reflect change in Lagrange multipliers
Update weight vector to reflect change in a1 & a2, if SVM is linear
Update error cache using new Lagrange multipliers
Store a1 in the alpha array
Store a2 in the alpha array
return 1
procedure examineExample(i2)
y2 = target[i2]
alph2 = Lagrange multiplier for i2
E2 = SVM output on point[i2] – y2 (check in error cache)
r2 = E2*y2
if ((r2 < -tol && alph2 < C) || (r2 > tol && alph2 > 0))
if (number of non-zero & non-C alpha > 1)
i1 = result of second choice heuristic (section 2.2)
if takeStep(i1,i2)
return 1
loop over all non-zero and non-C alpha, starting at a random point
i1 = identity of current alpha
if takeStep(i1,i2)
return 1
loop over all possible i1, starting at a random point
i1 = loop variable
if (takeStep(i1,i2)
return 1
return 0
main routine:
numChanged = 0;
examineAll = 1;
while (numChanged > 0 | examineAll)
numChanged = 0;
if (examineAll)
loop I over all training examples
numChanged += examineExample(I)
loop I over examples where alpha is not 0 & not C
numChanged += examineExample(I)
if (examineAll == 1)
examineAll = 0
else if (numChanged == 0)
examineAll = 1


Large Data Logistic Regression (with example Hadoop code)


Living in the age of big data we ask what to do when we have the good fortune to be presented with a huge amount of supervised training data? Most often at large scale we are presented with the un-supervised problems of characterization and information extraction; but some problem domains offer an almost limitless supply of supervised training data (such as using older data to build models that predict the near future). Having too much training data is a good problem to have and there are ways to use traditional methods (like logistic regression) at this scale. We present an “out of core” logistic regression implementation and a quick example in Apache Hadoop running on Amazon Elastic MapReduce. This presentation assumes familiarity with Unix style command lines, Java and Hadoop.Apache Hadoop already has a machine learning infrastructure named Mahout. While Mahout seems to concentrate more on unsupervised methods (like clustering, nearest neighbor and recommender systems) it does already include a logistic regression package. This package uses a learning method called “Stochastic Gradient Descent”, which is in a sense the perceptron update algorithm updated for the new millennium. This method is fast in most cases but differs from the traditional method of solving a logistic regression which are based on Fisher Scoring or the Newton/Raphston Method (see “Categorical Data Analysis,” Alan Agresti, 1990 and Paul Komarek’s thesis “Logistic Regression for Data Mining and High-Dimensional Classification”). Fisher Scoring remains interesting in that it parallelizes in exactly the manner described in “Map-Reduce for Machine Learning on Multicore,” Cheng-Tao Chu, Sang Kyun Kim, Yi-An Lin, Yuan Yuan Yu, Gary Bradski, Andrew Y Ng, Kunle Olukotoun NIPS 2006.

Stochastic gradient descent is in fact an appropriate method for big data. For example: if our model complexity is held constant and our data set size is allowed to grow; then stochastic gradient descent will achieve its convergence condition before it even completes a single random order traversal of the data. However, stochastic gradient descent has a control called the learning rate and one can easily imagine a series of problems that require the learning rate to be set arbitrarily slow. For example a data set formed as the union of very many “typical” examples where a given variable is independent of the outcome and small minority of “special” examples where the same variable helps influence the outcome presents a problem. Training on the “typical” examples causes the stochastic gradient descent method to perform a random walk on the given variable coefficient. So the learning rate must be slow enough that the expected drift does not swamp out the rare contributions from the “special” examples (meaning the learning rate must slow roughly proportionally to the square root of the ratio of the typical to special examples).

Not too much must be made of artificial problems designed to slow stochastic gradient descent. The traditional Fisher scoring (or the Newton/Raphston method) can simply be killed by specifying a problem with a great number of levels for categorical variables. In this case traditional methods have to solve a linear system that can in fact be much larger than the entire data set (causing representation, work and numeric stability problems). So it takes little imagination to design problems that kill the traditional methods. Other intermediate complexity methods (like conjugate gradient) avoid the storage size problem; but can require a many more passes through the training data.

There is a common situation where Fisher scoring makes good sense: you are trying to fit a relatively simple model to an enormous amount of data (often to predict a rare event). One could sub-sample the training data to shrink the scale of the problem- but this is a case of the analyst being forced to accede to poor tools. What one would naturally want is a training method that can fit reasonable sized models (that is models with a reasonable number of variables and levels) onto enormous data sets. The software package R can work with fairly large data sets (in the gigabytes range) and has some parallel flavors, but R is mostly an in-memory system. It is appropriate to want a direct method that both “works out of core” (i.e. in the terabytes and petabytes ranges), parallelizes to hundreds of machines (using current typical infrastructure- like a Hadoop cluster) and is exact (without additional parameters like learning rate).

We demonstrate here an example implementation in Java for both single machine “out of core” training (allowing filesystem sized datasets) and MapReduce style parallelism (allowing even larger scale). The method also includes the problem regularization steps discussed in our recent logistic regression article. The code (packaged in: WinVectorLogistic.Hadoop0.20.2.jar ) is being distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. This is an open source license that (roughly) requires (among other things) redistribution of source code of systems linked against the licensed project to anyone receiving a compiled version or using the system as a network service. The license also promises no warranty or implied fitness. The distribution is a standalone runnable Jar (source code and license inside the jar) and is the minimal object required to run on Hadoop (which is itself a Java project). More advanced versions of the library (with better linear algebra libraries, better problem slice control, unit tests, JDBC bindings and with different license arrangements) can be arranged from the code owners: Win-Vector LLC. This jar was built for Apache Hadoop version 0.20.2 (the latest version Amazon Elastic Map Reduce runs at this time) and we use as many of the newer interfaces as possible (so the code will run against the current Hadoop 0.21.0 if re-built against Hadoop 0.21.0, the jar can not switch versions without being re-built due to how Hadoop calls methods).

For our example we will work on a small data set. The code is designed to pass through data directly from disk, storing only the Fisher structures- which require storage proportional to the square of the number of variables and levels but is independent of the number of data rows. The data format is what we call “naive TSV” or “naive tab separated values.” This is a file where each line has exactly the same number of values (separated by tabs) and the first line of the file is the header line naming each column. This is compatible with Microsoft Excel and R with the proviso that this file format does not allow any sort of escapes, quoting or multiple line fields. Our data set is taken from the UCI machine learning database ( datadescription ) and converted into the naive TSV format (split into training and testing subsets: uciCarTrain.tsvuciCarTest.tsv).

The first few lines of the training file are given here:

buying	maintenance	doors	persons	lug_boot	safety	rating
vhigh	vhigh	2	2	small	med	FALSE
vhigh	vhigh	2	2	med	low	FALSE
vhigh	vhigh	2	2	med	med	FALSE

The first experiment is to use the Java program standalone (without Hadoop) to train a model. The method used is Fisher scoring by multiple passes over the data file. Only the Fisher structures are stored in memory- so in principle the data set could be arbitrarily large. To run the logistic training program download the files WinVectorLogistic.Hadoop0.20.2.jar and uciCarTrain.tsv . You will also need some libraries ( commons-logging-*.jar and commons-logging-api-*.jar , and sometimes hadoop-*-core.jar and log4j-*.jar ) from the appropriate Hadoop distribution. Before running the code you can examine the source (and re-build the project using an IDE like Eclipse) by extracting the code in an empty directory using the Java jar command:

jar xvf WinVectorLogistic.Hadoop0.20.2.jar

To run the code type at the command line (all in a single line, we have inserted line breaks for clarity, we are also assuming you are using a Unix style shell on Linux, OSX or Cygwin on Windows):

java -cp WinVectorLogistic.Hadoop0.20.2.jar:commons-logging-1.0.4.jar:commons-logging-api-1.0.4.jar
   file:uciCarTrain.tsv "rating ~ buying + maintenance + doors + persons + lug_boot + safety" model.ser

The portion of interest is the last three arguments:

  • file:uciCarTrain.tsv : The URI pointing to the file containing the training data.
  • “rating ~ buying + maintenance + doors + persons + lug_boot + safety” : The formula specifying that rating will be predicted as a function of buying, maintenance, doors, persons, lug_boot and safety.
  • model.ser : Where to write the Java Serialized model result.

After that we can run the scoring procedure on the held-out test data:

java -cp WinVectorLogistic.Hadoop0.20.2.jar:commons-logging-1.0.4.jar:commons-logging-api-1.0.4.jar
   model.ser file:uciCarTest.tsv scored.tsv

In this case the last three arguments are:

  • model.ser : Where to read the Java Serialized model from.
  • file:uciCarTest.tsv : The URI pointing to the file to make predictions for.
  • scored.tsv : Where to write the predictions to.

The first few lines of the result file are:

predict.rating.FALSE	predict.rating.TRUE	buying	maintenance	doors	persons	lug_boot	safety	rating
0.9999999999999392	6.091299561082107E-14	vhigh	vhigh	2	2	small	low	FALSE
0.9999999824028766	1.759712345446162E-8	vhigh	vhigh	2	2	small	high	FALSE

These lines are just lines from the file uciCarTest.tsv (same format is uciCarTrain.tsv) copied over with the addition of the first two columns that show the modeled probabilities of rating acceptable being FALSE or TRUE. The accuracy of the prediction is computed and written into the runlog if the data had the rating outcomes in it (else we just get a file of predictions- which is the usual application of machine learning).

The details of running the Hadoop versions of the same process depend on the configuration of your Hadoop environment. Just unpacking the 0.20.2 version of Hadoop will let you try the single-machine version of the MapReduce Logistic Regression process (which will be much slower than the standalone Java version). To run the training step the Hadoop command line is as follows (notice this time we do not have to specify the logging jars as they are part of the Hadoop environment):

hadoop-0.20.2/bin/hadoop jar WinVectorLogistic.Hadoop0.20.2.jar
   uciCarTrain.tsv "rating ~ buying + maintinance + doors + persons + lug_boot + safety" model.ser

And the scoring procedure is below:

hadoop-0.20.2/bin/hadoop jar WinVectorLogistic.Hadoop0.20.2.jar
   model.ser uciCarTest.tsv scoredDir

The only operational differences are that the results are written into the file scoredDir/part-r-00000 (as is Hadoop convention) instead of scored.tsv (and an extra “offset” column is also included) and data is handled in Files (to allow Hadoop Paths to be formed) instead of URIs. The Hadoop training and test steps are able to run in this manner because we have constructed WinVectorLogistic.Hadoop0.20.2.jar as an executable jar file with the class com.winvector.logistic.demo.DemoDriver as the class to execute. This class uses that standard org.apache.hadoop.util.ProgramDriver pattern to run our jobs under the org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool interface. This means that the standard Hadoop generic flags for specifying cluster configuration will be respected.

The big benefit of all of this packaging is: if this command is run on a large Hadoop cluster (instead of on a single machine) then the input file could be split up and processed in parallel on many machines. The easiest way to do this is to use’s Amazon Elastic MapReduce. This service (used in conjunction with S3 storage and EC2 virtual machines) allows the immediate remote provisioning and execution on a version 0.20.* Hadoop cluster. To demonstrate this service we created a new S3 Bucket named wvlogistic. Into wvlogistic we copied our jar of our code compiled against Hadoop 0.20.2 APIs ( WinVectorLogistic.Hadoop0.20.2.jar ) and a moderate sized synthetic training data set ( bigProb.tsv, created by running: java -cp WinVectorLogistic.Hadoop0.20.2.jar com.winvector.logistic.demo.BigExample bigProb.tsv ). Once this has been set up (and you have signed up for the Amazon Elastic MapReduce credentials) you can run the training procedure from the Amazon web UI. In five steps (following the direcitons found in Tutorial: How to Create and Debug an Amazon Elastic MapReduce Job Flow ) the job can be configured and launched.

First: press “Crate New Job Flow” and choose a job name, check “Run your own application” and select “Cusom Jar”.



Step 1/5


Second: specify the location of the jar in your Bucket and give the command line arguments (prepending S3 paths with “s3n://”).



Step 2/5


Third: select the type and number of machine instances you want, run without and EC2 key pair, enable logging and send the log back to your S3 bucket.



Step 3/5


Fourth: add the default bootstrap action of configuring the Hadoop cluster.



Step 4/5


Fifth: confirm and launch the job.



Step 5/5


When the job completes transfer the result ( bigModel.ser ) back to your local system and you have your new map reduced produced logistic model. We can confirm and use the model locally with a Java command similar to our earlier examples:

java -cp WinVectorLogistic.Hadoop0.20.2.jar:commons-logging-1.0.4.jar:commons-logging-api-1.0.4.jar:hadoop-0.20.2-core.jar:log4j-1.2.15.jar
   bigModel.ser bigProb.tsv bigScored.tsv

Be aware that at this tens of megabytes scale there is no advantage in running on a Hadoop cluster (versus using the stand-alone program). At moderate scale parallelism may not even be attempted (due to block size) and the costs of data motion can overcome the benefit of parallel scans. The biggest gain is being able to train many models from many gigabytes of data on a single machine without sub-sampling. While we have the ability to build a logistic model at “web scale” (terabytes or petabytes of data) you would not want to use the MapReduce calling pattern until you had a web-scale amount of training data.

The point of this exercise was to take a solid implementation of regularized logistic regression articleand use the decomposition into the ” Statistical Query Model” (as suggested in the NIPS paper “Map-Reduce for Machine Learning on Multicore”) to quickly get an intermediate sophistication machine learning method (more sophisticated than Naive Bayes, less sophisticated than Kernelized Support Vector Machines) working at large (beyond RAM) scale. Briefly: most of the technique is in an interface that considers the mis-fit, gradient if mis-fit and hessian of mis-fit as a linear (summable) function over the data. Or in the “book’s worth of preparation so we can write the result in one line” paradigm: all of the machinery we have been discussing is support so the following summable interface (part of the source code we are distributing) can be used to do all of the work:



Summable Interface


Of course once you have the framework up that makes one non-trivial task easy you have likely made many other non-trivial tasks easy.

We hope this demonstration and examining the source code in our WinVectorLogistic.Hadoop0.20.2.jar will help you find ways to tackle your large data machine learning problems.

Code License:

Packages com.winvector.*, extra.winvector.*
Code for performing logistic regression on Hadoop.
Copyright (C) Win Vector LLC 2010 (contact: John Mount
Distributed under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (2007, see ).
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, only version 3 of the
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
(Source code in jar, see also )

Note Dec-15-2011: We have moved the code distribution to . We have fixed some major bugs in the supplied optimizers and moved com.winvector.logistic.LogisticScore and com.winvector.logistic.LogisticTrain form freeform arguments to Apache CLI. The new command lines need flags as shown below:


usage: com.winvector.logistic.LogisticTrain
 -formula <arg>      formula to fit
 -inmemory           if set data is held in memory during training
 -resultSer <arg>    (optional) file to write seriazlized results to
 -resultTSV <arg>    (optional) file to write TSV results to
 -trainClass <arg>   (optional) alternate class to use for training
 -trainHDL <arg>     XML file to get JDBC connection to training data
 -trainTBL <arg>     table to use from database for training data
 -trainURI <arg>     URI to get training TSV data from

usage: com.winvector.logistic.LogisticScore
 -dataHDL <arg>      XML file to get JDBC connection to scoring data table
 -dataTBL <arg>      table to use from database for scoring data
 -dataURI <arg>      URI to get scoring data from
 -modelFile <arg>    file to read serialized model from
 -resultFile <arg>   file to write results to

Avoiding MPI Deadlock or Race Conditions

Deadlock or race conditions occur when the message passing cannot be completed.

Consider the following and assume that the MPI_Send does not complete until the correspondingMPI_Recv is posted and visa versa. The MPI_Send commands will never be completed and the program will deadlock.

if (rank == 0) {
MPI_Send(…, 1, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Recv(…, 1, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
} else if (rank == 1) {
MPI_Send(…, 0, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Recv(…, 0, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);

There are a couple of ways to fix this problem. One way is to reverse the order of one of the send/receive pairs:

if (rank == 0) {
MPI_Send(…, 1, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Recv(…, 1, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
} else if (rank == 1) {
MPI_Recv(…, 0, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Send(…, 0, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

Another way is to make the send be a non-blocking one (MPI_Isend)

if (rank == 0) {
MPI_Isend(…, 1, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &req);
MPI_Recv(…, 1, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Wait(&req, &status);
} else if (rank == 1) {
MPI_Recv(…, 0, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
MPI_Send(…, 0, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
